Day 4 - Museumsquartier

Because there are so very many museums in Vienna's centre, the options for today are not limited to the actual Museumsquartier. Two tickets are included in your trip. Brief descriptions of each are available here, as well as suggested combinations and their advantages.

Museum Options

Sisi Museum Tour the Imperial Apartments of Emperor Franz Joseph and Empress Elizabeth.

Imperial Treasury Vienna Collection of secular and religious treasure acquired by Austrian emperors over the last 1000 years.

Albertina Collection of old master prints and 20th-century art in a 19th-century palace.

Leopold Museum Excellent collection of Klimt and Schiele. 

MOMUK Modern art, in the same museum complex as the Leopold.

Upper Belvedere Here's where to go if you want to see Klimt's iconic The Kiss.

Lower Belvedere Known for its collection of medieval art.

Naturhistorisches Natural history museum.

Kunsthistorisches Art history museum; large and spectacular, across from the Naturhistorisches.

Weltmuseum Wien Ethnography of Asia, Africa, and the Americas.

Museum Combination Suggestions

Leopold + Upper Belvedere: lots of Klimt

Sisi + Weltmuseum: Habsburgs + ethnography

Sisi + Imperial Treasury: Hofburg Palace

Art History + Leopold: lots of art

Leopold + MOMUK: close to each other

Art History + Natural History: across from each other

Natural History + Weltmuseum: nature + ethnography

Albertina + Lower Belvedere: modern art

Albertina + MOMUK: modern art, but closer to each other

Upper + Lower Belvedere: same location