Tatras - Restaurant Suggestions
Penzion Drak This guest house is home to a fine restaurant with excellent food. The tables have white tablecloths, their terrace is lovely and quiet, and the service is first-rate. The menu is varied but not expansive, and I strongly recommend the grilled local trout. This is a great place to sit for a leisurely dinner, and to enjoy a hot chocolate for dessert.
Arch Caffe Great coffees, pastries for breakfast, and more simple fare later in the day, as well as artistic desserts! Takeaway is available if we're in a rush, or we can sit comfortably inside.
Liptovská izba Traditional Slovak. Delicious perogies and pleasant patio seating. Cash only.
Restaurant YUZA A modern approach to traditional Slovak cuisine. Serves duck, beef, burgers, and fried cheese.
AHA Pizza Pasta Homemade pastas and pizza. Cash only.
Veranda Restaurant Local specialties made using fresh ingredients, served in a bright dining room.
PINUS Restaurant Don't let the name's similarity to a piece of anatomy stop you. This modern rustic restaurant serves typical European dishes as well as pizza and risotto.
Reštaurácia Hradná Bašta Located on the north side of Liptovská Mara, with another beautiful terrace and view over the lake.
Hotel Koliba Gréta Limited menu of homestyle dishes in a warmly decorated dining room or covered terrace.
Reštaurácia Zubačka Located at Štrbské pleso, serving Slovak specialties including fried cheese, wild game, and lamb, plus pasta and fish.
Wellness Hotel Patria This is an upscale wellness hotel on Štrbské Pleso that has a few restaurants on site and nearby.
Slovak Phrases
Hello | Ahoj (AH-hoy) |
Good morning | Dobré ráno (DOH-bray RAH-no) |
Goodbye | Dovidenia (DOH-vee-den-ya) |
Please/You're welcome | Prosím (PRO-seem) |
Thank you | Dakujem (DAH-koo-yem) |
Excuse me | Prepáčte (preh-PACH-teh) |
I speak English | Hovorím po anglicky (HOH-voh-reem poh ang-GLITZ-kee) |
How are you? | Ako sa máš? (ah-KOH sah MAHSH) |
I am well | Mám sa dobre (MAHM sah DOB-reh) |
Can you help me? | Môžete mi pomôcť? (MOH-zhe-teh mee POH-mocht) |
Where is... | Kde je (g'DAY yeh) |
Restaurant | Reštaurácia (resh-tow-RAT-see-ah |
Breakfast/Lunch | Raňajky/Obed (RAHnyah-kee/OH-bet) |
I would like a... | Môžem mať (MOH-zhem MATy) |
Coffee/Tea | Káva/Čaj (KAH-vah/CHAI) |
Water/Beer/Wine | Voda/Pivo/Víno (VOH-dah/PEE-voh/VEE-noh) |
Doctor | Doktor (DOCK-tore) |
I am sick | Som chorý (som hohr-EE) |
Can you help me? | Môžete mi pomôcť? (MOH-zhe-teh mee poh-MOTST) |
Optional Extras
Because of the more rural nature of this portion of the trip, all of the attractions are further apart and require driving. If we want to make any changes to our days, here are some things to choose from.
Park MINI SLOVENSKO. This park features miniatures of many Slovak landmarks, and an extensive miniature train system. Entry $8.
Važecká cave. Another cave walk, only about 25 minutes. Entry $14, plus a fee of $11 for photos.
Liptov Village Museum Pribylina Collection of reconstructed or relocated homes from a village that was flooded due to dam construction. Folk performances are often available during the summer. Entry $14.

Near Poprad:
Vel'ká Lomnica Golf resort. Upscale and pricey; 18-hole voucher for two people - $300.
Kuulinair Hot-air balloon flights with breakfast or dinner! Associated with Hotel Lomnica in Vysoké Tatry. Pricing not available on the website; contact for details.
In Case of Emergency
112 - General emergencies
18 300 - Mountain rescue
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