Košice - Restaurant Suggestions
There are a lot of restaurants in Košice that we love, many of them on Hlavná. There won't be time to try them all, unfortunately, but we'll do the best we can!
Clematis Coffee & Tea Shop It’s little, but it has the largest selection of coffees and teas I have ever seen. You can choose a coffee from their list of available beans, and then ask for it to be prepared however you like coffee. My favourite is a Peru Tunki Bio cappuccino. I usually have two!
Pronto Coffee Even smaller than Clematis, serves baked goods and pastries, and outrageous sandwiches. Good coffee, too!
Pizza Café Napoli This is often our fist stop in town. The pizza is delicious, as are their pastas and salads.
Burekas A little underground spot for the most amazing falafel. We used to eat here every Thursday after school and got to know the owners fairly well. Get the falafel in pita, and/or one of their burekas. They also have things like chicken soup and fried cheese.
Slávia Excellent Slovak food and atmosphere, right next to the State Theatre. Slightly upscale.
Republika Východu Lots of hearty breakfast options, as well as halušky, perogies, and dinner. Their dessert pancakes (palačinka) can’t be missed, and it’s lovely to get a table on the street, if you can, to sit right at the foot of St Elisabeth’s Cathedral.
Bonbónik Mostly chocolate! Truffles and barks, as well as cups of warm chocolate for drinking. Coffee, too, I think.

U Kohúta A couple of blocks east of Hlavná, in the little picturesque Hrnčiarska Street, you can find this pub in a hidden garden. They have a great menu, but I recommend going with at least two or three people and ordering a couple of dishes for the table. Their roasted pork knuckle serves at least a couple of people, but takes 90 minutes to prepare. If you can wait that long, get that with their halušky and a salad or two. And beer, of course.
Urban Café Mostly ice cream, in a pretty little street off Hlavná, at the south end.
Le Colonial Mediterranean, lovely atmosphere.
Karczma Mlyn Super rustic atmosphere, good hearty food, especially the fried cheese!
Camelot Pub a couple of blocks off Hlavná. Mostly Slovak food.
Enoteca Centro Lovely little wine bar in an alley behind Hlavná.
The Grapes Lively bar in Hlavná with some talented bartenders!
Benze Serves breakfast in the mornings, and lovely cakes until 10 pm.
Central Pub Košice Restaurant and brewery serving local and international dishes.
Pán Ryba Serves fish and seafood, not far off Hlavná.
Smokehouse Košice Wings, burgers, and ribs.
Public Transportation
The public transportation system in Košice is not as easy to navigate as in Vienna and Budapest, but we won't need it nearly as often, as most of the city's attractions are right in the centre. If you need it, use their journey planner; Google map results are not accurate enough to be reliable. Also, stops for buses or trams going in opposite directions may not be directly across the street from each other, and may not be where Google Maps say they are.
The good news is that tickets are only 1€ and are easy to buy from the machine at one main stop in the centre, near the Aupark shopping mall. It is advisable to buy your return ticket at the same time; not all stops have ticket machines. Another option is an electronic ticket, which is even cheaper.
Slovak Phrases
Hello | Ahoj (AH-hoy) |
Good morning | Dobré ráno (DOH-bray RAH-no) |
Goodbye | Dovidenia (DOH-vee-den-ya) |
Please/You're welcome | Prosím (PRO-seem) |
Thank you | Dakujem (DAH-koo-yem) |
Excuse me | Prepáčte (preh-PACH-teh) |
I speak English | Hovorím po anglicky (HOH-voh-reem poh ang-GLITZ-kee) |
How are you? | Ako sa máš? (ah-KOH sah MAHSH) |
I am well | Mám sa dobre (MAHM sah DOB-reh) |
Can you help me? | Môžete mi pomôcť? (MOH-zhe-teh mee POH-mocht) |
Where is... | Kde je (g'DAY yeh) |
Restaurant | Reštaurácia (resh-tow-RAT-see-ah |
Breakfast/Lunch | Raňajky/Obed (RAHnyah-kee/OH-bet) |
I would like a... | Môžem mať (MOH-zhem MATy) |
Coffee/Tea | Káva/Čaj (KAH-vah/CHAI) |
Water/Beer/Wine | Voda/Pivo/Víno (VOH-dah/PEE-voh/VEE-noh) |
Doctor | Doktor (DOCK-tore) |
I am sick | Som chorý (som hohr-EE) |
Can you help me? | Môžete mi pomôcť? (MOH-zhe-teh mee poh-MOTST) |
Optional Extras
The daily plans for Košice include many stops and attractions, but each itinerary will be finished by about 3:00 p.m. If you'd like more to do, here are a couple of suggestions:
Golden Royal Hotel Spa This hidden-away hotel has a beautiful spa tucked inside. Pool, sauna, and steam room time is included when you book a massage or treatment package, but is not available for use own. Prices for treatments are comparable to or lower than you would expect to pay in Canada.
Shopping Besides the shops you can find on or near Hlavná, there is a shopping centre called Aupark nearby. You'll find a large grocery store inside (Billa) for anything you would like to have available in the apartment. If you want a bigger mall experience, you can take any of four buses to Optima.
In Case of Emergency
112 - General emergencies
158 - Police
155 - Ambulance
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