Bratislava - Restaurant Suggestions


Urban Bistro Open for breakfast, too, if you need something hearty. Menu is limited, but food is delicious, especially this spiced shrimp pil pil with sourdough toast. It's a great place to sit with a glass of prosecco, too.

Mezcalli Mexican, kind of upscale. The enchiladas are really delicious, and they have lots more I'd like to try, like a mezcal pineapple flambé.

Pochlieb An artisanal bakery serving good pastries, coffee, and sandwiches. We spotted it by accident one morning and would have missed it completely if I hadn't remembered hearing the name. Don't be deterred by the darkened windows; it doesn't mean they're not open!

Primi Located in the Eurovea shopping mall. There used to be a Primi in Košice and I was very sorry when it closed. Mediterranean cuisine, including pizza.


Kolkovna Riverside restaurant located in the Eurovea shopping mall. Serves Czech cuisine including duck and goose dishes, as well as smoked sausages and goulash.

Bratislavský Meštiansky Pivovar A spacious brewpub with a broad menu of European dishes including chicken, beef, goose, duck, and fish.

Pán Cakes Pancakes and waffles all day long! Plus a couple of porridge and soup options. Probably best for breakfast.

FACH Bakery, bistro, and juice bar. Sourdough bread and pastries, soup, stew, and salads. Closes at 6 p.m.

Mondieu Sweet and savoury breakfasts plus salads, cakes, and coffees served all day.

Kormuth Confectionery Cakes, coffees, and teas in a sumptuously decorated café. 

ENJOY Bistro Very pretty little café serving breakfasts, salads, cakes, and coffee. Also sells home accessories.

Le Papillon "Slovak fusion" restaurant featuring a broad range of dishes including salads and soups, pasta and burgers, meat and fish.

Public Transportation

The public transportation system in Bratislava is quite good. Their trams and buses don't run quite as frequently as they do in Vienna and Budapest, but the system is easier to navigate than it is in Košice.

There are slightly different fare rates for paper tickets and electronic tickets, with electronic tickets being a small amount less. Single-trip paper tickets are about $1.70 and can be purchased at machines located at some transit stops. A 72-hour pass costs about $17.

Slovak Phrases

Hello Ahoj (AH-hoy)
Good morning Dobré ráno (DOH-bray RAH-no)
Goodbye Dovidenia (DOH-vee-den-ya)
Please/You're welcome Prosím (PRO-seem)
Thank you Dakujem (DAH-koo-yem)
Excuse me Prepáčte (preh-PACH-teh)
I speak English Hovorím po anglicky (HOH-voh-reem poh ang-GLITZ-kee)
How are you? Ako sa máš? (ah-KOH sah MAHSH)
I am well Mám sa dobre (MAHM sah DOB-reh)
Can you help me? Môžete mi pomôcť? (MOH-zhe-teh mee POH-mocht)
Where is... Kde je (g'DAY yeh)
Restaurant Reštaurácia (resh-tow-RAT-see-ah
Breakfast/Lunch Raňajky/Obed (RAHnyah-kee/OH-bet)
I would like a... Môžem mať (MOH-zhem MATy)
Coffee/Tea Káva/Čaj (KAH-vah/CHAI)
Water/Beer/Wine Voda/Pivo/Víno (VOH-dah/PEE-voh/VEE-noh)
Doctor Doktor (DOCK-tore)
I am sick Som chorý (som hohr-EE)
Can you help me? Môžete mi pomôcť? (MOH-zhe-teh mee poh-MOTST)

Optional Extras


Slovak National Gallery In case you need more art! The gallery contains a wide variety of exhibits from sacred art and architecture to early modern European and contemporary art. Entry $14.

Comenius University Botanical Garden This garden is associated with the one we visited in Košice. It has some similar features, but includes some fruit trees and indoor hanging gardens. This would be convenient to do on the way back from Devín Castle. Entry $7.

Eurovea Large shopping mall beside the Danube River. 

Natural History Museum Collections of minerals and fossils from local and global sites. Entry $9.

Archaeological Museum Includes artifacts from as far back as prehistoric settlements in the area. Entry $6.

Mirbach Palace This 18th century palace has many well-preserved Rococo details in its decor and is now home to an art gallery. Entry $12.

Museum of Jewish Culture Collection of cultural items, art, and memorial objects showing the history of Jewish people in Slovakia from their arrival in the first century until now. Entry $9.

In Case of Emergency

112 - General emergencies

158 - Police

155 - Emergency medical

150 - Fire

Embassy of Canada in Bratislava

Carlton Savoy Building, Mostova 2, 811 02 Bratislava

+421 (0)2 5920 4031

Emergency Watch and Response Centre, Ottawa